Orthopedic Foot Surgeon Invents Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain Treatment
BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) - Anyone who spends all day on their feet knows how excruciating the pain can get, especially in the heel. The condition is called plantar fasciitis, and a Baton Rouge foot doctor designed and patented a therapeutic footwear sole that works wonders in treating it.
(*minus the cost of shipping)
A Clinical Trial Was Conducted
Dr. Meredith Warner developed The Healing Sole after two tours with the U.S. Air Force as a combat surgeon in Iraq and Afghanistan. She saw the need for an easier solution to such a pervasive problem.
Dr. Warner conducted a clinical trial with 22 patients, and the results are impressive.
CBS Video Interview
"Clinical trial results were impressive, says Dr. Warner. We had an 80 percent success rate."
"You had pain here, how's that doing?" Dr. Meredith Warner asked clinical trial patient Elizabeth Demarest while holding her heel at a check-up. "You don't need to get an injection. You don't need surgery. We don't need to do physical therapy now," Warner told Demarest after seeing her progress.
"It’s gone," Demarest said with a smile. Elizabeth Demarest, Participated in The Healing Sole's clinical trials.
As a mother of three young children, Demarest is always on the move. She developed plantar fasciitis, a common and painful condition that occurs when the tissue that connects the toes to the heel (the plantar fascia) is damaged. It affects men and women, young and old, the athletic and non-athletic alike.
"I've always had problems, especially specifically with my left heel, and I was one of those that would have to go buy inserts," Demarest explained.
"Weeks later I'm sending Dr. Warner a text and going, 'Thank you so much for coming up with this, because it's really really helped me,'" Demarest said. "If I have to wear heels or be somewhere where I'm gonna be in heels for a long period of time, I like to tuck in the sandals and bring them with me."
Patented Foot Pain Treatment

Dr. Meredith Warner, creator of The Healing Sole
It may not look like much, but there are several features that make it unique:
Inner Compressible Heel - Half of the heel compresses where the pain is most intense.
Firm Sole - The other half provides much-needed support. This flip flop is not squishy!
Rocker Bottom - The bottom of the flip flop is designed to rock, reducing stress on the joints and arch and providing a natural push-off for each step.
- Raised Big Toe Lift - There's also a small ramp under the big toe that allows the foot to work more efficiently and keeps it stretched throughout the gait cycle.
Results Expected Within 30-Days
She tells patients to wear the shoes in the evenings and on weekends to give their feet time to heal without the use of invasive or expensive treatment options.
Patients reported a difference after two to three weeks of part-time wear.
Dr. Meredith Warner Explains What Is Plantar Fasciitis
And You Won't Find This Guarantee Anywhere Else...
The Healing Sole soothes your achy feet, treats your plantar fasciitis, and even reduces the pain from Morton’s neuroma better than any DIY or at home remedy. If that’s not the case…
...We'll take them back with no questions asked.
Our team is committed to helping you avoid injections or surgery, instead opting for a more natural solution that uses the body's natural healing power.
There is something you need to know
The Healing Sole is not for you if you are not willing to try them for at least 14 days. Our soles are firm because Dr. Warner says they should be which means you have to give them time to form to your feet. Also, a rocker bottom is unusual and will feel very different initially.
So, take your time with them. Wear them and really test them.
And, We will take them back if they don't work for you!!