The Healing Sole Reviews

"I could actually go through my entire day pain free..."
Elizabeth is a mother to 3 kids and as a result, leads a very busy and active lifestyle just trying to keep up with them. She had been dealing with plantar fasciitis in her left heel and came to Dr. Warner looking for some help. She had tried different inserts before and hadn’t found any success. After visiting with Dr. Warner, she decided to give The Healing Sole a try.

"My feet actually started to feel better, even after working for 8 hours on my feet..."
Maira had suffered from plantar fasciitis related pain for quite some time. When we spoke with her, she told described the type of pain she dealt with and how it would affect her day, saying “if I sat down for say 30 minutes on a break at work, it would take me almost 15 minutes to just get back to walking normal.