As a practicing orthopedic surgeon, I see a lot of reasons why people are in pain. Whether it is knee, shoulder, hip, or ankle pain. One of the most common things I hear, especially from people with plantar fasciitis, is that when they wake up every morning they fear taking their first step because of severe, excruciating heel pain. It is so painful that it's disabling, and they don't even want to get out of bed. This will even happen after sitting at a computer for a while.
My name is Dr. Meredith Warner, and I created The Healing Sole so that anyone experiencing this kind of foot pain, especially from plantar fasciitis, would have a viable option that can provide an opportunity for natural healing. This is without having to resort to costly physical therapy, multiple clinical visits, injections, or surgery.
We know where the pain originates from for foot pain, and we, therefore, have strategically designed The Healing Sole to help reduce the tension in your joints and muscles to relieve the stress and pain from these problem areas. More importantly, we let your body naturally heal. I always ask my patients what methods they have used to try to relieve their heel pain or foot pain, and it ranges from natural oils to injections.
If you're considering surgery, remember that it is costly and will force you to be out of commission up to several months. There are risks like wound problems and infections, and sometimes surgery doesn't even cure the problem that you have. If you are considering injections, remember that they can be extremely painful, costly, and are only a temporary relief to your pain.
They are a temporary solution or band-aid at best. In the long run, the pain will come back. It will recur, and you will be stuck in a cycle of injection after injection, facing the side effects and the risks each time. In addition, you will incur a recurring cost over and over again.
If you're considering gimmicky, do-it-yourself options or internet message board fads to treat your heel and foot pain, these options may not produce the results you are hoping for. In fact, they could leave you with foot pain day in and day out. Try The Healing Sole. It is a fraction of the cost, not invasive, and it was designed to work naturally with you as you walk on your path to recovery.
The road to foot pain relief is not easy, but it is possible. Foot pain can sometimes last up to two years. We've designed it to improve foot pain dramatically, and we offer a 30-day money back guarantee to prove that. In addition, we have a clinical study that was just presented at a major meeting that proves it as well. You can also reference all of the thousands of positive social media comments and testimonials that we've had from other customers.
Let The Healing Sole become a non-invasive part of your life so that you can get back to experiencing your life. Return to the routine tasks that were once too painful to do. Return to getting out of bed without fearing that first step in the morning, and most importantly, return to living your life with your friends and family and enjoying time with them. We want you to live your life the way that you want. We want you to Live With Sole.