What Is Low-Grade Inflammation?
Posted on Jan 20, 2022

Low-grade inflammation is a chronic response to diseases, injuries, foreign invaders, etc that produces a steady, low level of inflammation constantly throughout the body. Our human systems have the ability to produce inflammation as a way to deal with injury and disease. Sadly, this protective system has been turned against ourselves in the unique modern environment.

Low-grade inflammation is defined by increased CRP levels. CRP (C-reactive protein) is one of the main inflammation biomarkers present in the body. The higher your CRP levels the more inflammation is present throughout the body. Low-grade inflammation can be defined with CRP levels of 3-10 mg/L. The range of what is considered ‘normal’ changes as each laboratory changes, so be mindful of this when checking your own levels. There are two ways to measure CRP; one can measure standard levels of CRP or check a ‘high sensitivity’ CRP. The latter is most often used to assess risk of cardiovascular events.


Researchers still do not fully understand the reasons, implications, and mechanisms behind chronic, low-grade inflammation. However, they have been able to link low-grade inflammation to many lifestyle choices and conditions. This linkage has come to the medical and pharmaceutical industry only recently. Many traditional and more natural methods of healing have been aware of this problem for a while. We strongly believe that if one can reduce levels of low-grade inflammation on a daily basis, then one can live longer and better.

It has been linked to unhealthy lifestyle choices that include:

  • Smoking
  • Poor diet
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Stress
  • Pollution
  • And weight gain

Low-grade inflammation is now known to contribute to the following conditions:

  • Cancer
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Dementia
  • Neurodegenerative disorders
  • High blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

While an acute inflammatory response is beneficial to the body’s healing processes, a long-term inflammatory response will leave your immune system exhausted. It may take longer for your body to react to a real threat while it is trying to fight off smaller threats it perceives. Also, by constantly producing inflammation, the body is actually damaging itself in an ongoing manner.

Clinical signs that the immune system is working hard include feeling badly in general, fever, and exhaustion or fatigue. These are not what we should feel on a daily basis, but many of us do. Such feelings are a sign that one’s body is producing too much low-grade inflammation on a daily basis. Dr. Meredith Warner teaches her patients and community to manage inflammation and take back control of their personal health. This is one of our prime directives as a company.


CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been associated with lower serum CRP levels in those that supplement it.

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and bonds with receptors that lower inflammatory responses. CBD binds to CB2 receptors on your immune cells all throughout your body. These cells regulate inflammatory responses.

Supplementing with CBD could help lower your inflammation down to more normal levels. It is also thought that utilizing natural methods of inflammation control will allow prescription medications to work more efficiently. (Please check with your physician of course.)


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Our CBD Softgels contain 25 mg of Full Spectrum CBD rich in terpenes, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and omega fatty acids like Omega 3 & 6.

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Our CBD Oil contains 25 mg per 1 ml of Broad Spectrum CBD in a tasteless formula.

CBD Cream

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