Marathons and The Healing Sole - An Interview With Dr.Warner
Posted on Oct 01, 2015

We got a chance to catch up with Dr. Warner during her training for the upcoming Louisiana Marathon. We wanted to ask her some questions about her training and how she uses her invention, The Healing Sole Flip Flop to help her feet recover after her runs.

How is the training going so far?

It is going pretty good. There are good days when I feel like I am getting my running legs back thanks to my running regimen I follow from Woman's Running. Some days are not so good, but that's the nature of training. You just learn to push yourself.

How is the Healing Sole helping you to recover after training:

Well, for starters, it is important to help your entire body recover, not just your feet. But I love using The Healing Sole Flip Flop to help take pressure off of certain areas in my feet. You know, running 9 miles to training isn't the easiest thing on your body... especially the feet. It floats the metatarsals

the Healing Sole helps me to floats the metatarsals