How do you know if you are drinking the right amount of water each day? Why is hydration crucial to the health of the body, anyway? We’re sharing the importance of water, how much you need each day, and other ways to hydrate besides drinking water alone.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
Drinking water hydrates the cells and tissues of the body which benefits your overall health and ensures that the body functions properly. If the body is dehydrated, you can more easily become fatigued as well as experience issues with digestion, temperature regulation, and organ function.
Drinking water helps to flush toxins from the body. A healthy intake of water can provide you with a number of positive effects, including increased energy levels, reduced appetite, and improved kidney function.

The amount of water you should drink in a day varies from person to person. Weight, gender, activity level, and age are just a few factors that can affect how many ounces you should drink.
As a rule of thumb, many doctors recommend that you drink a minimum of eight glasses of water, each glass being eight ounces. This means that you should consume at least sixty-four ounces of water daily.
Invest in a reusable water bottle for a simple and easy way to incorporate more water into your day. Keep your bottle with you, whether at your office desk, in your workout bag, or simply near you at home. This will not only encourage you to drink more water, but it will also help you to keep track of your daily intake.

Water should be your first choice for hydration, but there are a number of other drinks and foods that can contribute to your daily intake.
While it is best to consume unadulterated water, other fluids can contribute to your daily goal, including coffee, tea, milk, and even juice. Be warned, however – not every liquid should be incorporated into a healthy diet. It should go without saying that a soft drink is no replacement for a glass of water or sugar-free tea.
Pay attention to the sugar content of your coffee and juice. These drinks may help to hydrate the body, but the additional caloric intake can introduce a slew of unhealthy factors into an otherwise balanced diet.
In addition to beverages, the consumption of foods with high water content can help to keep the body properly hydrated. These options include cucumbers, watermelon, and grapefruit, just to name a few.
Go ahead – slice up some lemon and cucumber into a pitcher of water for a refreshing drink with added health and hydration benefits!
Hydration is a key ingredient to wellness. Remember to drink at least eight glasses of water each day, and pair this with balanced nutrition and regular exercise for optimal health.