Different Types Of Nerve Pain
Posted on Sep 15, 2022

If you’re experiencing nerve pain in your feet, you’re likely uncomfortable or in pain as a result. Getting to the root of what’s causing your nerve pain can be important in treating and caring for your neuropathy. All pain is basically an interpretation of an electrical signal by the brain. The nerves carry the electrical signals. ‘Nerve pain’ is when the nerves begin to send bad signals to the brain when they are not needed.

Identifying Nerve Pain

Nerve pain or discomfort can feel different for each person. Nerve pain is often called ‘neuropathy’. Regardless of the cause for neuropathy, those with nerve pain may experience these symptom

  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensation, or “pins and needles”
  • Burning, aching, or sharp pains
  • Muscle weakness
  • A disconnection with the area with neuropathy
  • A sense of walking on pillows or air

These symptoms may be worse at night and affect your ability to participate in activities you enjoyed before.

Different Types of Nerve Pain

There are various types of nerve pain that can affect the foot. As an orthopedic surgeon, specializing in complex foot and ankle reconstruction, Dr. Warner deals with this type of pain on a regular basis. Here are a few potential causes of neuropathy in the foot.

Morton’s Neuroma: This condition is the result of thickened tissue at the bottom of the foot compressing the smaller nerves that provide sensation to your toes. If you have Morton's neuroma, you may experience increased pain while walking, especially in restrictive shoes. Any footwear that puts more weight forward will also contribute to pain from this condition.

Baxter’s Neuropathy: This is a form of nerve entrapment that affects a branch of the tibial nerve. The tibial nerve sits behind the inside ankle bone and is responsible for all of the sole of the foot. If you have this condition, you’ll feel pain on the inside part of the heel bone; this is remarkably similar to the pain felt in plantar’s fasciitis. Having plantar fasciitis or heel spurs can contribute to Baxter’s neuropathy. It is often difficult for many physician’s to determine the difference between Baxter’s neuropathy and plantar fasciitis.  

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: This condition is caused by compression of your posterior tibial nerve (a nerve that runs from the back of your leg to your feet). This can cause sharp or shooting pains in the ankle and foot, as well as numbness in the foot. The instep and even the outside (pinky toe) side of the foot can be affected.  

Peripheral Neuropathy: This describes numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the feet or hands. Possible risk factors include infection, alcohol addiction, diabetes, and nutrient deficiencies. Chemotherapy is another common source. Heavy metal toxicity and other environmental sources can also be the culprit.

Relieving Nerve Pain

If you’re experiencing any type of nerve pain, you know how uncomfortable and debilitating it can be.

Some at-home treatment methods include using hot or cold packs, massaging the feet, resting, and taking anti-inflammatories. Neuropathy is best served with consultation with a profession of course.  

If you wish to support your treatment protocol with natural remedies, we’d recommend our popular Well Theory supplements for inflammation and nerve pain relief. Our Nervous System Multi includes nutrients like omega-3 for inflammation support and soothing nerve endings, as well as PEA for pain relief. Dr. Warner designed this formulation based on her extensive experience treating nerve pain and on the science behind neuropathy.  

The features found in The Healing Sole are also beneficial for nerve pain relief in the foot. The structure of The Healing Sole allows for less compression of painful nerve endings. It also provides a gentle stretch of the plantar fascia, reducing symptoms of plantar fasciitis, which may contribute to nerve conditions like Baxter’s neuropathy.