Diet & Bone Health: How They're Related
Posted on Jun 16, 2021

Our bones are the scaffolding of our bodies allowing us to be who we are. It is important to take care of our bones to promote a longer, healthier life. As we get older, our bones lose density and become more fragile. This does not necessarily have to happen! Or, if it must, it can certainly happen more slowly and less aggressively. You can empower yourself to have better bones.

Many of us lead sedentary lifestyles lacking in significant weight-bearing activities that strengthen our bones. We can make up for this by maintaining a diet that is conducive to our bone health. What does a bone health-oriented diet look like? Let’s jump in!


Your body needs calcium to properly function. Our bones require calcium to stay healthy. The most popular sources of calcium are of course cow’s milk and cheese.

But you can also get your calcium from tofu, green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach.

Many of us simply can’t get the right amount of calcium from diet for optimal health. This is why supplements are so important.


Protein makes up about 50% of the body’s bone volume. Usually, when people think of protein, they picture meat; however, collagen is the protein of bone. Collagen, specifically Type 1 collagen, is the basic building block of bone. Actually, collagen is the most important and abundant protein of all. Without the proper amount of protein in your diet, you could be at a higher risk of osteoporosis. You can get protein by eating lean meats like beef, pork, chicken, and fish. Or you can try eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and beans.


Low Vitamin D can put you at risk of bone fractures or softer bones. You need Vitamin D to work with the calcium to make your bones stay strong and healthy. Vitamin D isn’t the easiest vitamin to add to your diet. How much you need will depend on your location since humans can absorb it through sunlight exposure.

You can find Vitamin D in oily fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel. Cod liver oil was commonly prescribed source of this previously.

But you can also get your Vitamin D from egg yolks and red meats, good sources of Vitamin D are fortified foods like some breakfast cereals. Most milk brands in the US are fortified with Vitamin D. It is not good to rely upon fortified foods; this is especially true as they are sometimes found to have less of the fortification than advertised.


Vitamin K is also a good contender in maintaining your bone density. Vitamin K deficiency is also linked to bone fractures and osteoporosis. This is actually a group of compounds. There are K1s such as phylloquinone. There are also a series of menaquinones, or K2s (MK-4 to MK-13).

These compounds function as co-factors in bone physiology. You can add Vitamin K to your diet by eating avocados, kale, spinach, kiwi, and prunes.


If you find it hard to incorporate these items into your diet, some supplements and multivitamins can help you maintain your bone health.

Have you seen Dr. Warner’s Essential Multivitamin with PEA, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and more? This multivitamin was specially formulated to facilitate pain relief and promote stronger and healthier bones!