Diabetic Symptoms & How To Control Them
Posted on May 19, 2021

It is estimated that there are 30.3 million Americans with one of the 3 types of diabetes. Americans have a 1 in 3 chance of developing a type of diabetes in their lifetime.

Those with Diabetes have trouble producing or responding to insulin when eating foods containing carbohydrates, sugar, and fat. People with diabetes either produce too little insulin or their bodies don’t properly recognize normal levels of insulin which leads to high blood sugar.

It is believed that there could be about 8 million adults with undiagnosed diabetes. Those with diabetes have a 50% increase in the risk of death than others during a given time frame. It is crucial to be aware of diabetic symptoms and know how to control them to lower this risk!


While some symptoms may be just slightly annoying others can lead to deadly consequences if not properly monitored and treated.

  • A frequent feeling of being thirsty or having a dry mouth
  • Unexplained changes in appetite (i.e. feeling hungry after just having eaten)
  • Always feeling tired and fatigued with frequent mood swings
  • Unexplained weight changes (i.e. no change in diet or exercise)
  • Skin wounds healing slowly and infections occurring frequently
  • Nerve damage causing tingling pain or numbness especially in the hands and feet


Diabetic Symptoms can be easily managed with the right lifestyle and management plan.

Here are some steps you can take to help you naturally manage your diabetic symptoms:


Regular visits with your doctor to monitor the progression of your condition by checking blood sugar, blood pressure, weight, and heart health.

Your doctor will help you manage your condition with treatment and lifestyle recommendations based on your specific body’s needs.

Alternatively, a wellness coach or lifestyle coach can help do a deep dive into your system’s status and needs.


Eating a healthy and balanced diet will go a long way to helping you maintain normal blood sugar levels. Try to avoid too much sugar, trans fats, and processed grains. Include a lot of dietary fiber in your diet; this helps to slow down the absorption and processing of any sugars you have also eaten.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet will also help you maintain your weight. Obesity is very common, especially for those with type 2 diabetes. Obesity is an independent and important risk factor for diabetes and pre-diabetes.


High blood sugar levels can lead to nerve damage.

Keeping track of your blood sugar levels will greatly reduce the risk of developing diabetic neuropathy.


Cleanse and moisturize daily to prevent minor skin damage. This damage can be a easy target for bacterial, fungal, and yeast infections. Diabetics have a higher probability of developing complications with minor skin damage. Try to stay away from skin care products with harsh chemicals. Search for natural mild and gentle products with ingredients like coconut oil and essential oils. If you do happen to find damage don’t wait to treat it.


Dr. Meredith Warner introduced this Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplement to her Well Theory line as a natural alternative to help diabetics control blood sugar levels, promote healthy nerve function, protect nerves from free radical damage, and support inflammatory levels in the body. Treatment with alpha-lipoic acid increases levels of glutathione, an important endogenous (self-made) antioxidant. In clinical trials, 600 mg alpha-lipoic acid has been shown to improve neuropathic deficits.